Pirate King in Pirates of Penzance

Lechlade Memorial Hall Lechlade Memorial Hall, Lechlade, United Kingdom

An unfortunate case of mishearing initiates the plot for The Pirates of Penzance, resulting in a dramatic change of direction for Frederic who sets a course to become a pirate rather than a ‘pilot’! The twists and turns of this classic operetta unfold with ingenious characters, sublime lyrics and some of the best-known songs in …

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Pirate King in Pirates of Penzance

Concord College Acton Burnell, United Kingdom

An unfortunate case of mishearing initiates the plot for The Pirates of Penzance, resulting in a dramatic change of direction for Frederic who sets a course to become a pirate rather than a ‘pilot’! The twists and turns of this classic operetta unfold with ingenious characters, sublime lyrics and some of the best-known songs in …

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